Paper to CAD, called also Reverse engineering simply means bringing everything from the ‘paper or the real existing world’ to the electronic version of 3D models or 2D drawings. These can then be edited/ updated/changed for future changes/investments/plans, etc.
Many organisations often have libraries of drawings or individual parts which were created before electronic CAD technology and only have the paper drawings on file. Keeping paper copies creates a lot of problems like:
- Paper copy cannot be edited
- Libraries of drawings can take up a lot of your office space
- Difficult to share with other teams/ clients/ contractors
- Paper copy gets older – paper loses its quality and colour and can be easily damaged.
- Paper drawings cannot be updated – any changes won’t be reflected in your database.
The process of converting paper to CAD drawings is mainly used to make the new drawings editable. Usually, there is a pack of drawings in PDF/ photocopy or scanned version (often in a very poor state) which need to be updated. To achieve this, the existing drawings need to be re-created in editable CAD format.
Drawings in CAD format:
- Can be edited/ changed/ updated in seconds
- Don’t take space (only on your hard disk ;))
- Easy to share with others via email
- Can be kept on the Online Cloud – which means to get access you don’t need to go to the office
- Current modern construction/manufacturing designing and modelling uses different IT software which require electronic copies of the drawings
The conversion typically involves a pack of drawings in PDF, photocopy, or scanned versions, often in poor condition, that require updating. To address this, existing drawings are meticulously recreated in an editable CAD format, breathing new life into the information.
Unlock the potential of your existing drawings by transitioning from paper to CAD—an essential step toward digital efficiency and adaptability.
We offer:
- Transferring old, historical plans and drawings to the electronic version – if your property was built in 80′ or earlier before the ‘CAD era’, we can help you with bringing all paper copies of your plans to the clean and tidy electronic version with high attention to detail. Electronic drawings can be edited and updated easily and quickly whenever needed, don’t get older, and can be printed to any available size of paper.
- Combining with the Site Survey – If you don’t have full plans of your property, don’t worry! We can visit your site, measure missing areas and create drawings from scratch which will nicely merge with the rest. We’ll produce a professional technical documentation of your property which can be then edited and printed into any format.
- ‘Non-paper’ items to the electronic world – we can create detailed technical drawings of the item you manufacture or would like to produce, but you lack the technical details. We can measure it and create 2D views & plans. Our team can also build a 3D model for better visualisation.
- Clean-room design – is the method of copying a design by reverse engineering and then recreating it without infringing any of the copyrights associated with the original design. If you know what do you want to design we can support you by documenting all steps and elements of your reverse engineering process.
- Bureau Services – combined technical information with your product/design/house with marketing materials like brochures, leaflets, posters or other print media. Our graphic designing team will create dynamic and catchy marketing materials for you. We can also assist you with the printing/production of these materials.
- Sky is the limit – our team is very open-minded and multitasking. We are happy to pick up new things and gain new experiences, if our list above doesn’t fit your case – please do not hesitate to contact us!
2D drawings can be fully supported with 3D modelling with visualisations and professional graphic design. Everything will be tailored to your needs.
Give us a call at 07522 856 986 or drop us an email:
Thanks! 🙂